There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus … Romans 8:1

The elephant is the largest land animal on earth and one of the most powerful. Yet it takes only a strong rope to restrain one. Here’s how it works. When the elephant is young, he is tied to a large tree. For weeks, he will strain and pull, but the rope holds him and eventually he gives up.

Then, when the elephant reaches his full size and strength, he won’t struggle to get free, for once he feels resistance, he stops. He still believes he’s held captive and can’t break free.

Remember this truth! … Christ died for our sins and declared an end to sin’s control over us! He rose from the dead and gave us the Holy Spirit. Now we are empowered to live victoriously in Him because “the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in [us]” (v.11).

Experience your freedom today in Christ! … Leroy