From Bro Leroy: As many of you know our VBS offering was dedicated to help our veterans buy a couple of new couches for their lounge area. We almost have enough for one but we would really like to buy two. So today and next Sunday we will be receiving a love offering to add to our VBS offering. Please pray about what God would lead you to give so our veterans can have a new couch to sit on in their lounge. Thank You & God Bless

Our Youth will be going to Evansville Indiana on October 12 to take part in Sadie Robertson’s Live Original Tour. Everyone will met at the church at 3 pm to go.

per person
Date: October 13th
Movie starts at dusk – Concessions opens at 5 pm
All $1 – hot dogs, popcorn, soda, & sweets
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy family time on the lawn
All proceeds go to our Youth & Children Ministry