From Bro Leroy: As many of you know our VBS offering was dedicated to help our veterans buy a couple of new couches for their lounge area. We almost have enough for one but we would really like to buy two. So today we will be receiving a love offering to add to our VBS offering. Please pray about what God would lead you to give so our veterans can have a new couch to sit on in their lounge. Thank You & God Bless.

Children’s Ministry Trip – The children will be enjoying a day at Christian Way Farm next Saturday, October 20, for a Harvest Praise. The will be Music All Day – Story Time at 11 am – Face Painting – Pumpkin Painting – Feather for hair – A Corn Maze – Shelling corn – Feeding the Animals. All the children get a pumpkin! Mrs. Cindy needs to know who is going so she can take care of the lunch for everyone.