Veterans Day

This morning we will be recognizing our men and women who have given so much in serving our country. A big thank you goes out to all of our men and women who have and are serving our country.

Operation Christmas Child

Tonight is our Christmas Shoebox Night starting at 5 pm. We will pray over our boxes and then pack them. This night is always a lot of fun. We will also have sandwiches, chips and drinks for everyone.

Remember Our Veterans

This Thursday, Nov 13, we will be going to the Veteran’s home and giving them a hot home cooked meal. Please join us if you can. We leave the church at 10:30 am and meet at the Veterans home at around 11 am.

Next Sunday night at 5 pm is our Church Family & Friends Thanksgiving Dinner. We will be having our Thanksgiving evening of praise – fellowship – dinner. This is a great time to invite your friends and family to come and meet your church family in a casual setting. Everyone is asked to bring sides and desserts and contact Joann Jones if you have any questions.

We have had several people who have become a part of our church family since we ordered our sweatshirts. So we are putting together a order for people who would like one. They run in sizes s to xxxl adult. They are Kentucky blue with our church name and cross on the front and back. Please let Hope Campbell know if you would like one. 2703486024