Note from Bev: My computer decided it wanted a break so I’m having to learn to use my son’s temporarily until mine is fixed. Please excuse in advance any typos or formatting quirks that may crop up in the bulletin today.

from Bro Leroy: We are starting our new church directory today! Cheryl Cook is leading this ministry and she will be there 30 minutes before worship (10:00 AM) and will stay after worship to make pictures through February . I am helping Cheryl build the information sheet on everyone and what I need from you is your updated information. Send it to me by email or text and it will help me a lot. Even if your information has not changed I still would like to have it as it will speed up the building of this information sheet as I just can copy and paste rather than typing it all in. What I need from you is your birthdays (month and day) – anniversary (month and day) – phone numbers – email address.