from Bro Leroy: Just a reminder that we have two very important meetings coming up as it has been a couple of months since we have had a Youth/Children’s meeting and a Planning meeting. For all the Youth and Children’s workers and leaders, The Youth / Children’s meeting is today at 4:00 PM For all the church ministry leaders, the Planning meeting is next Sunday, Feb. 24th, at 4:00 PM. I want to thank you for all you do and I look forward to sitting down and planning our ministry events with you.

from Bro Leroy: Remember, today and next Sunday will be the last two Sunday’s to get your picture made for our new church directory so Cheryl can go to work in putting them together. Cheryl will be at church at 10:00 AM which is 30 minutes prior to worship and she will also stay over after worship to make everyone’s picture. All pictures are being made in the front of the sanctuary. Also if you have not given me your families info., please do so as soon as you can. We need birthdays, anniversary, address, emails, and phone numbers.
*** If you are attending LBC, then we want you in our directory! ***