a place you can call home
Welcome! It is so good to see you this morning. If you are visiting with us, thank you for choosing Lakeview Baptist Church as your place of worship today. We pray you feel the warmth & love of our Lord Jesus Christ in this place today.
Today’s Service April 7, 2019
Special Music
Message …………. Bro. Leroy Crouch

- Tonight
- Prayer Service @ 5 pm
- Christian Health Center @ 6:30 pm
- This Week
- Wed, Apr 10
- Worship/Bible Study @ 6 pm
- Choir Practice @ 7 pm
- Sat, Apr 13
- Easter Egg Hunt @ 10 am
- Youth Group Fun Night @ 6 pm
- Sun, Apr 14 PALM SUNDAY
- Sunday School @ 9:30 am
- Worship Service @ 10:30 am
- Prayer Service @ 5 pm
- Worship/Bible Study @ 6 pm
- Wed, Apr 10
- Upcoming
- Sun, Apr 21
- Sunrise Service @ 6 am (breakfast following)
- no evening services
- Sat, Apr 27 Paint Party fundraiser @ 10:30 am
- Sun, Apr 28 Youth Day dry run (in sanctuary) @ 6 pm
- Wed, May 1 Youth Day dry run (in sanctuary) @ 6 pm
- Sun, May 5 Youth Sunday @ 10:30 am
- Sun, Apr 21
Nursery worker schedule coming here soon
Volunteers needed – sign up sheet in foyer

Because of offering “strange fire” on the altar of God, how many men died? (Answer at bottom of page)

What a blessing it is to go and be with the people at Christian Health Center every first Sunday @ 6:30 pm. We encourage everyone to go with us to take our worship service to them. The services usually last about 30 minutes. Come and be blessed.

Our choir works on special music every Wednesday night at 7 pm. They are currently practicing for the Resurrection season. Please contact Debby Tucker if you are interested in joining them.

Our Easter Egg Hunt is this Saturday, April 13th, at 10 am for 4th grade and younger. The kids will also be having a paint party after the egg hunt. It will be a great keepsakes for the kids to give to their parents. Please contact Cindy Parker for more information. (Candy donations are welcome until the hunt.)

The youth will be having a Fun Night at John & Kayla’s this Saturday at 6 pm. This month’s activity will be a bonfire and cookout for all the youth and youth leaders. This is a great time to invite your friends to come and fellowship with your youth group. (If it is raining everyone will go bowling.)
April 27th at 10:30 am we will be having a paint party fundraiser for our children and youth. The painting to choose from will be a cross or a mason jar. Each painting will cost $40 and will include brunch. There is a sign up sheet in the foyer. Please contact Charlene Lamirande for more information.

Please help us keep the prayer list up-to-day by making sure to also give your name with your request so that Bro Leroy and Ronnie know who to follow up with.
(Bible Quiz answer: Two – Leviticus 10:1,2)