a place you can call home
Welcome! It is so good to see you this morning. If you are visiting with us, thank you for choosing Lakeview Baptist Church as your place of worship today. We pray you feel the warmth & love of our Lord Jesus Christ in this place today.
Today’s Service, September 8, 2019
Hymn #
Offertory #
Choir Special
Invitation #

- Tonight
- Prayer Service @ 5 pm
- LAW (interpretive movement) practice @ 5 pm
- Worship/Bible Study @ 6 pm
- This Week
- Wed, Sep 11
- Worship/Bible Study @ 6 pm
- no Choir Practice this week
- Sun, Sep 15
- content deadline for next month’s newsletter
- Sunday School @ 9:30 am
- Worship Service @ 10:30 am
- Prayer Service @ 5 pm
- LAW (interpretive movement) practice @ 5 pm
- Worship/Bible Study @ 6 pm
- Wed, Sep 11
- Upcoming
- Sun, Sep 22
- Homecoming Sunday
- Sat, Sep 28
- Fish Fry @ 4 pm
- Cake Auction @ 6 pm
- Oct 6-8
- Children & Youth trip to Mammoth Cave
- Sun, Oct 20
- Church Wide Fall Fellowship @ 4 pm (location details TBA)
- Sun, Sep 22
Attention cooks!

For our homecoming meal this year the church will provide the meat but everything else is completely potluck. Please remember to bring large batches of whatever you choose to bring. It would also help if you could let Joann Jones know what and how much you will be bringing.

We have a new ministry called LAW (Lakeview At Work) that is an Interpretive Movement Ministry. For now it is only for the youth, but may include children and adults later. The practices are Sundays at 5 pm. Please contact Charlene Lamirande with any questions or to get involved.

Bro Leroy sends out pastoral messages through texts & emails several times a week plus a monthly newsletter. If you would like to be included in his respective mailing lists please let him know and give him your address, email and/or phone #. (Ministry leaders please note that the deadline for inclusion in the monthly newsletter is the 3rd Sunday of each month.)

Homecoming Sunday
Special Music by Tracy Bullard @ 9:30 am
Service by Adam Ross @ 10:30 am
Potluck Dinner after morning services
no evening services