a place you can call home
Welcome! It is so good to see you this morning. If you are visiting with us, thank you for choosing Lakeview Baptist Church as your place of worship today. We pray you feel the warmth & love of our Lord Jesus Christ in this place today.
Today’s Service, September 29, 2019
Hymn # 62 ……………….. All the Way My Savior Leads Me
Offertory # 600 ……………….. More About Jesus
Choir Special
Message ……………….. Leroy Crouch
Invitation # 317 ……………….. Only Trust Him

- Tonight
- Prayer Service @ 5 pm
- Worship/Bible Study @ 6 pm
- This Week
- Wed, Oct 2
- Business Meeting (Bible Study after) @ 6 pm
- Choir Practice @ 7 pm
- Sun, Oct 6
- Sunday School @ 9:30 am
- Worship Service @ 10:30 am
- Prayer Service @ 5 pm
- Christian Health Center @ 6:30 pm
- Oct 6-8
- Children & Youth trip to Mammoth Cave
- Wed, Oct 2
- Upcoming
- Sun, Oct 20
- Church Wide Fall Fellowship @ 4 pm (at Ed Walker’s farm)
- Sun, Oct 20

In what Book in the Bible do you find the following: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel”? (Answer below)

Today is last day to sign up for the Mammoth Cave trip. Kristi Wyatt needs to meet with everyone that will be attending the Mammoth Cave trip right after church Service Sunday in the basement.

Our choir works on special music every Wednesday night at 7 pm. This Wednesday night they will begin practicing for this year’s Christmas program. Everyone is welcome and please contact Debby Tucker if you have any questions.

What a blessing it is to go and be with the people at Christian Health Center every first Sunday @ 6:30 pm. We encourage everyone to go with us to take our worship service to them. The services usually last
about 30 minutes. Come and be blessed.

This year we are having a Fall Fellowship at Ed and Kathy Walker’s farm on Sunday, October 20, starting at 4 pm. Everyone is encouraged to bring your lawn chairs. There will be a fire to relax around and games for all ages to enjoy. We will also be going on a hay ride! We are asking everyone to bring chili or soup and a dessert. The church will furnish the rest.

The offerings from our VBS this year is going to St. Jude’s Hospital. Also, the 1st – 3rd Grade Sunday School Class will be doing an outreach collecting money until September 2020 and all the proceeds will go to St. Jude’s. If you would like to help our kids, please contact Brittany Watts.
(Bible Quiz answer: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)