a place you can call home
Welcome! It is so good to see you this morning. If you are visiting with us, thank you for choosing Lakeview Baptist Church as your place of worship today. We pray you feel the warmth & love of our Lord Jesus Christ in this place today.
Today’s Service, October 13, 2019
Call to Worship
Hand of Fellowship
Hymn # 10 ……………….. How Great Thou Art
Offertory # 516 ……………….. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
Choir Special
Message ……………….. Leroy Crouch
Invitation # 450 ……………….. I Need Thee Every Hour

- Tonight
- Prayer Service @ 5 pm
- Worship/Bible Study @ 6 pm
- This Week
- Wed, Oct 16
- Worship/Bible Study @ 6 pm
- Choir Practice @ 7 pm
- Thu, Oct 17
- Jail Ministry * @ 5:45 pm
- *pre-approval needed, see Ed Walker if interested
- Jail Ministry * @ 5:45 pm
- Sun, Oct 20
- content deadline for next month’s newsletter
- Sunday School @ 9:30 am
- Worship Service @ 10:30 am
- Prayer Service @ 5 pm
- Worship/Bible Study @ 6 pm
- Wed, Oct 16
- Upcoming
- Sun, Oct 27
- Church Wide Fall Fellowship @ 4 pm
- Sun, Nov 3
- Sun, Nov 11
- Sun, Oct 27

What is the last line of the Twenty-third Psalm? (Answer below)

Our choir works on special music every Wednesday night at 7 pm. They are currently practicing for this year’s Christmas program. Everyone is welcome and please contact Debby Tucker if you have any questions.

This year we are having a Fall Fellowship at John David and Kadie Berry place on Sunday, October 27, starting at 4 pm. Everyone is encouraged to bring your lawn chairs. There will be a fire to relax around and games for all ages to enjoy. We will also be going on a hay ride! We are asking everyone to bring chili or soup and a dessert. The church
will furnish the rest.

Our youth meet downstairs every Sunday & Wednesday night at 6 pm. On Sunday the boys and girls meet separately and on Wednesday they meet together. They study topical Bible studies, sometimes following up on that week’s Sunday School lessons.

Bro Leroy sends out pastoral messages through texts & emails several times a week plus a monthly newsletter. If you would like to be included in his respective mailing lists please let him know and give him your address, email and/or phone #. (Ministry leaders please note that the deadline for inclusion in the monthly newsletter is the 3rd Sunday of each month.)

Our Sunday School meets at 9:30 am each Sunday. We have classes for Babies-Toddlers, Preschool – K, 1st -3rd Grade, 4th – 6th Grade, Youth Boys, Youth Girls, Ladies, Young Coed & Senior Coed. Please contact our director, Ed Walker, if you have any questions about which class is best for you or your children and where they are located.
(Bible Quiz answer: And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever – Psalm 23:6)