a place you can call home
Welcome! It is so good to see you this morning. If you are visiting with us, thank you for choosing Lakeview Baptist Church as your place of worship today. We pray you feel the warmth & love of our Lord Jesus Christ in this place today.
Today’s Service, March 15, 2020
Call to Worship # 249 ………………….. Glorify Thy Name
Hand of Fellowship
Hymn # 407 ………………….. Because He Lives
Offertory # 202 ………………….. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
Message ………………….. Leroy Crouch
Invitation # 312 ………………….. Softly and Tenderly
Notes ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

- Tonight
- Planning Meeting @ 4 pm
- Bible Study/Discipleship Class @ 5 pm
- This Week
- Wed, Mar 18
- Bible Study/Discipleship Class @ 6 pm
- Choir Practice @ 7 pm
- Thu, Mar 19
- Jail Ministry * @ 5:45 pm
- *pre-approval needed, see Ed Walker if interested
- Jail Ministry * @ 5:45 pm
- Sun, Mar 22
- Sunday School @ 9:30 am
- Worship Service @ 10:30 am
- Bible Study/Discipleship Class @ 5 pm
- Wed, Mar 18
- Upcoming
- Sun, Apr 5
- Sat, Apr 11
- Easter Egg Hunt @ 10 am
- Sun, Apr 12
- Sun, Apr 5

We have a Planning Meeting
tonight at 4 pm
to work on our Spring calendar.

We will take up a love offering on Sunday the 22nd for Alfred and Rita Blake’s friend Phyllis Blake who is having a liver transplant. The offering is to help cover expenses for a 6 week stay.

Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 11 are now welcome. We need lots of candy. If you can help us in bringing candy, please drop it off in the foyer. If you have any questions please contact Brittany Watts.

Audio CDs of our Sunday morning services can be made if requested. We also have hearing devices for anyone who has trouble hearing the services. Please see Gary Parker in the sound booth to request either item.

Our choir works on special music every Wednesday night at 7 pm. Currently they are practicing on their Resurrection Sunday Cantata.
Please contact Debby Tucker if you are interested in joining them.