LAKEVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH a place you can call home Welcome! It is so good to see you this morning. If you are visiting with us, thank you for choosing Lakeview Baptist Church as your place of worship today. We pray you feel the warmth & love of our Lord JesusContinue Reading

Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 13 are now welcome. We need lots of candy. If you can help us in bringing candy, please drop it off in the foyer. April 27th at 10:30 am we will be having a paint party fundraiser for our childrenContinue Reading

Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 13 are now welcome. We need lots of candy. If you can help us in bringing candy, please drop it off in the foyer. April 27th at 10:30 am we will be having a paint party fundraiser for our childrenContinue Reading

Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 13 are now welcome. We need lots of candy. If you can help us in bringing candy, please drop it off in the foyer. Sunday Morning Nursery Praise the Lord for our new need. We are in need of aContinue Reading

Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt on April 13 are now welcome. We need lots of candy. If you can help us in bringing candy, please drop it off in the foyer. Sunday Morning Nursery Praise the Lord for our new need. We are in need of aContinue Reading

What a blessing it is to go and be with the people at Christian Health Center. We encourage everyone to go with us tonight as we go every first Sunday @ 6:30 pm and take our worship service to them. The services usually last about 30 minutes. Come and beContinue Reading

from Bro Leroy: Today, I would like to combine two meetings into one … Youth / Children’s meeting and Church Planning meeting. Since we are combining the two, I would also like to start 30 minutes earlier which would make it start at 3:30 pm. I want to thank youContinue Reading

from Bro Leroy: Just a reminder that we have two very important meetings coming up as it has been a couple of months since we have had a Youth/Children’s meeting and a Planning meeting. For all the Youth and Children’s workers and leaders, The Youth / Children’s meeting is todayContinue Reading

Note from Bev: My computer decided it wanted a break so I’m having to learn to use my son’s temporarily until mine is fixed. Please excuse in advance any typos or formatting quirks that may crop up in the bulletin today. from Bro Leroy: We are starting our new churchContinue Reading

Bulletin 2019-02-03

What were the names of the two disciple who were called “The Sons of Thunder”? (Answer below Prayer List) from Bro Leroy: We are starting our new church directory today! Cheryl Cook is leading this ministry and she will be there 30 minutes before worship (10:00 AM) and will stayContinue Reading