A snowflake is one of God’s most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together! (Matthew 18:19-20 KJV) 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done forContinue Reading

When bad weather threatens the cancellation of our services, a decision will be made as soon as possible by our deacon body and everyone will receive notification. If you receive Bro. Leroy’s emails or texts, then you will receive notification through them. Time permitting cancellations will also be posted toContinue Reading

What a blessing it is to go and be with the people at Christian Health Center. We encourage everyone to go with us tonight as we go every first Sunday @ 6:30 pm and take our worship service to them. The services usually last about 30 minutes. Come and beContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-12-30 New Year

The Youth are hosting a Fish Fry on January 5th at 4 pm. The menu is fish or chicken, hush puppies, beans, cole slaw, french fries, drinks and dessert. Ticket are $15 and all proceeds go to sending our Youth Ministry to a Youth Conference in Gatlinburg Tennessee. Tickets areContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-12-16

Christmas Program Tonight at 5 pm fellowship and snacks following We have had several people who have become a part of our church family since we ordered our sweatshirts. So we are putting together an order for people who would like one. They run in sizes s to xxxl adult.Continue Reading

Bulletin 2018-12-02

Tonight we are Taking Christmas to Christian Health at 6:30 pm. Also next Sunday right after morning worship services we will do our Christmas Love Baskets and Caroling. Please join us both times in sharing the Christmas spirit with these precious people. We have had several people who have becomeContinue Reading

We have had several people who have become a part of our church family since we ordered our sweatshirts. So we are putting together an order for people who would like one. They run in sizes s to xxxl adult. They are Kentucky blue with our church name and crossContinue Reading

Tonightat 5 pm is our Church Family & Friends Thanksgiving Dinner. We will be having our Thanksgiving evening of praise – fellowship – dinner. This is a great time to invite your friends and family tocome and meet your church family in a casual setting. Everyone isasked to bring sidesContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-11-11 Veterans Day

This morning we will be recognizing our men and women who have given so much in serving our country. A big thank you goes out to all of our men and women who have and are serving our country. Tonight is our Christmas Shoebox Night starting at 5 pm. WeContinue Reading