From Bro Leroy: Due to the lack of people signing up, we are canceling our church directory pictures at this time. Gear up! Get Ready! Game on! Vacation Bible School 2018 June 17-21 His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of himContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-04-01 Easter Sunday

Remember No Evening Services tonight If you haven’t already please contact Karen Watts to set up your individual appointment for a Lifetouch photography sessions for the Directory April 26, 27 or 28. You can contact her at 270-889-7010.Continue Reading

They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the king of Israel!” John 12:13 Join us at 6 am next Sunday as we gather on this special morning to celebrate our Risen Savior. RightContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-03-18

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt Next Saturday, March 24 2 pm Candy donations are still welcome. If you have any questions contact Cindy or Gary Parker. Update from Karen Watts: The dates have changed for our Lifetouch photography sessions for the Directory. The new dates are: Thursday , April 26st 2-9Continue Reading

Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt on March 24 are now welcome. If you have any questions contact Cindy or Gary Parker.       Update from Karen Watts: The dates have changed for our Lifetouch photography sessions for the Directory. The new dates are: Thursday , AprilContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-03-04

Remember next Saturday night set clocks 1 hour ahead Next Sunday we will have a Baby / Child Dedication Service. It will be a very special service of dedicating our babies / children back unto the Lord. Also we will be giving a special gift to each child. Donations ofContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-02-25

New Sunday Night Youth at LBC – John & Kayla Laster want to invite all youth (7th-12th grades) and their friends to come out and experience our new Youth Night on Sunday nights. Lots of good food, fellowship and new ways in which to look at God’s Word! Videos, Movies,Continue Reading

Very important planning meeting today at 3:30 pm as we set dates for Spring and Summer ministries. We would like to encourage everyone to purchase your tickets to the Youth & Children Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser in advance if you can. The fundraiser is next Saturday, February 24th, 5-7 pm atContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-02-11

Dr. Lee Watts is with us today preaching on the subject “America’s Constitution” After the morning worship service we have lunch for everyone. We will also give Dr. Lee time to answer any questions from you and time to share more with us in a causal setting.Continue Reading

Bulletin 2018-02-04

Our Country’s Constitution with Rev Lee Watts Next Sunday, January 14th @ 10:30 am From Bro Leroy: Next Sunday, we will be honored to have Dr. Lee Watts to come and speak. Dr. Lee has been with us before and what a powerful message he brought. I hope everyone willContinue Reading