Bulletin 2017-11-05

What a blessing it is to go and be with the people at Christian Health Center. We encourage everyone to come go with us as we go every first Sunday at 6:30 pm and take our worship service to them. The services usually last about 30 minutes. Come and beContinue Reading

Remember to set clocks back 1 hour next Saturday night! We are collecting items for 100 Christmas Shoe Boxes and will be filling the boxes on Sunday Nov 12 @ 5 pm. See Crystal Watts or the October newsletter for allowed items. Or bring cash. The average cost per boxContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-10-22

Next Saturday, Oct 28, everyone meet at the church @ 3 pm for LBC Fall Fellowship. Trunk or Treat, Hayride, Bonfire, Games. Hot dogs, Chili, S’mores. Please sign up to decorate your vehicle for Trunk or Treat. Adults bring bags of candy. And lawn chairs.Continue Reading

Bulletin 2017-10-15

Next Saturday, Oct 21, everyone meet at the church @ 5 pm for Youth Bonfire & Hayride. Lots of fun and good fellowship. Next Sunday, Oct 22 the youth group will be leaving right after morning services to go to Princeton for lunch & Judgement House. (contacts Phillip or KarenContinue Reading

There will be no evening worship services here at the church next Sunday because of the Sarah Wyatt & Charlie Welker Wedding. This week’s Bible trivia: In order to bind a contract, what Bible person took off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor? Previous question and answer: WhatContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-09-24 Homecoming

In addition to our church sending money for hurricane help, we are now sending items that are needed. We are partnering with other churches in this effort. Items needed are cleaning supplies, water, toiletries, baby wipes, rubber gloves, masks, and non perishable food. Deadline for bringing these items to churchContinue Reading

In addition to our church sending money for hurricane help, we are now sending items that are needed. We are partnering with other churches in this effort. Items needed are cleaning supplies, water, toiletries, baby wipes, rubber gloves, masks, and non perishable food. Deadline for bringing these items to churchContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-09-10

Today @ 2 pm we are having a Wedding Shower for Sarah Wyatt & Charlie Welker. (contact Kristi Wyatt) September 15-16 is Lock-In for Kids. Kindergarten – 6th grade. Drop off time is 5 pm Friday and pickup time is 1 pm Saturday. Everyone will need to bring sleeping bagsContinue Reading

Next Sunday @ 2 pm we are having a Wedding Shower for Sarah Wyatt & Charlie Welker. Sarah is registered at Bed Bath and Beyond, Wayfair-online, Target, Gracious Me. She likes Anything Pioneer Women. (contact Kristi Wyatt) This week’s Bible trivia: When Joshua destroyed Jericho he destroyed everyone in theContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-08-27

Baby Shower today at 2:00 for Beverly and Jeff Latham’s baby BOY! Please join us to shower them with gifts for their new bundle of joy! (contact Jessica Latham) At tonight’s fellowship we will be having a great time playing some games, eating grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and justContinue Reading