Bulletin 2017-08-20

Baby Shower Sunday August 27th at 2:00 for Beverly and Jeff Latham’s baby BOY! Please join us to shower them with gifts for their new bundle of joy! (contact Jessica Latham) Sunday night fellowship Aug. 27th please bring school supplies for the Operation Christmas Boxes. (contact Crystal Watts) Sarah WyattContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-08-13

Our church year begins in September each year. Have you given thought and prayer to ministries that you can serve in this next year? This week’s Bible trivia: What Bible character’s hair stood up on end when he saw a ghost? Previous question and answer: What is the name ofContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-08-06

Today at 3:30 PM we will be having a planning meeting. We will be focusing on the fall calendar and even talking a little about the winter calendar as well. This week’s Bible trivia: What is the name of the dressmaker who was raised from the dead? Previous question andContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-07-30

Today is Chris and Kelly’s last Sunday with us as they start their ministry roles at Trenton Baptist Church. So this evening will be a reception for them at 5:00 PM. There will be no services this evening as we want to give people plenty of time to fellowship withContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-07-23

Our children are at Jonathan Creek for Camp today-Wednesday, so please remember them in your prayers. This is such a great four days for our kids as it is all geared to their age group! This week’s Bible trivia: Jeremiah had a secretary. What was his name? Previous question andContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-07-16

Our children will be going to Jonathan Creek for Camp next Sunday-Wednesday, so please remember them in your prayers. This is such a great four days for our kids as it is all geared to their age group! This week’s Bible trivia: Who washed his steps with butter? Previous questionContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-07-09

This week’s Bible trivia: How many proverbs is King Solomon credited in knowing? Previous question and answer: The giant Goliath lived in what city? A: Gath – 1 Samuel 17:4Continue Reading

Bulletin 2017-07-02 Red White & Blue Day

This week’s Bible trivia: The giant Goliath lived in what city? Previous question and answer: What little-boy king had to be hidden in a bedroom for six years to escape the wrath of his wicked grandmother? A: Joash – 2 Kings 11:1,2Continue Reading

Bulletin 2017-06-25

VBS collected $959.29 for Water for Life! From Bro Leroy email: What an awesome week we have had as a church family! Thank you so much to everyone who has worked so hard for so many hours! Every ministry that made up VBS was simply amazing. There are so manyContinue Reading

Bulletin 2017-06-18 Father’s Day

We will be posting VBS picture updates to our Facebook page (@LakeviewBCPembrokeKY) throughout the week but please add your own VBS photos either by posting them in the comments of our posts or tagging our page in your own posts.Continue Reading