This week’s Bible trivia: How many men from the tribe of Judah were sent out to capture Samson? Previous question and answer: The two spies that Rahab hid fled into the mountains and hid for how many days? A: Three days – Joshua 2: 3,22Continue Reading

Ark Encounter (one of the attractions the church trip is visiting) officially opened this week. To help put the size of this into perspective, if there were people or cars around the bottom of the ark they would be barely distinguishable. We will be having a planning meeting on JulyContinue Reading

This week’s Bible trivia: As Joshua and the children of Israel marched around the walls of Jericho, the priests carried trumpets before the Ark of the Lord. How many priests carried trumpets? Previous question and answer: How many stones were placed in the Jordan River after the children of IsraelContinue Reading

Next Sunday, everyone remember to wear red, white & blue as we celebrate our nations birthday with Special morning worship at 10:30 am This week’s Bible trivia: How many stones were placed in the Jordan River after the children of Israel had crossed over on dry land? Previous question andContinue Reading

Remember this year we are doing something very exciting with our VBS offering money. 100% of the VBS offerings will be going to funding water wells in another country where they have no clean water. So send your coins and help make a difference. . This week’s Bible trivia: WhatContinue Reading

This Wednesday at 5:30 we will once again “Prayer Walk” our campus asking for a mighty move of God during our VBS week. Also that same night we will be putting the finishing touches on decorations for VBS all over campus. This is a fun time for all ages! PleaseContinue Reading

  VBS starts on Jun 19. Have you turned in sign-up forms? Have you volunteered? And don’t forget to come to VBS Kick-off Jun 18 Fun & Games @ 5 pm This week’s Bible trivia: Because of offering “strange fire” on the altar of God, how many men died? PreviousContinue Reading

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 This week’s Bible trivia: How many barrels of water did Elijah ask the men to pour over the sacrifice on the altar? Previous question and answer: The Bible suggests that theContinue Reading

The sign up sheet for the church trip to Creation Museum is in the foyer. Deadline for registering is May 29th. If interested, please contact Bro. Leroy with any questions as some of the arrangements have changed.   This week’s Bible trivia: The Bible suggests that the average lifes spanContinue Reading

We will be having a VBS workers meeting today at 4:00 pm in the fellowship hall. This meeting is for everyone who has signed up to work and also for those who haven’t signed up to work but would like to work in this years VBS. Looking forward to seeingContinue Reading