From Bro. Leroy on Friday about the last night of VBS –A new VBS attendance record was set again last night! 91 children. But here is the greatest news … 4 young people asked Jesus into their heart last night!!!!Continue Reading

Father’s Day (from Bro Leroy) – “the Lord has given me a Word that I’m excited to bring. We will also be giving all the men a special gift.” ——- You mentioned joy. Explain what you mean. “Most people, when they think of Jesus, think about his strong teachings orContinue Reading

VBS 2015 starts in 1 week. Have you turned in forms or volunteered so you can Journey off the Map with us? VBS practice (from Bro. Leroy)– Today at 4:00 we will be running through our VBS routine and schedule with all VBS workers. This is a very important timeContinue Reading

VBS 2015 starts in 2 weeks. Have you turned in forms or volunteered so you can Journey off the Map? Bro. Leroy’s Email and Texting Contacts – Bro. Leroy sends out encouraging and informational emails and texts throughout the week. If you would like to be included in his emailsContinue Reading

VBS 2015 – Journey Off The Map – Jun 21 – 25 Take the journey! VBS will take your kids to uncharted territory where they will begin to understand that obedience to God can lead them beyond the expected. So, toss the map, stick close to your guide, and prepareContinue Reading

VBS 2015 Vacation Bible School starts Jun 21 – Have you volunteered yet? Also, please remember to fill out and return VBS enrollment packets to Carol Calhoun or Mary Lea Laster as soon as possible. This helps advance planning for supplies and volunteers.Continue Reading

Operation Love In Action (July 12-17) is an opportunity for volunteers to do missions here in Hopkinsville & Christian County and our youth are going to be participating. Their registrations will be covered but Shane Holt needs to hear from any adults who would like to join in this effortContinue Reading

Mother’s Day – We will be presenting all the Ladies in our service today a special gift and we are going to have a very special service! Love Offering – We will be taking up a love offering for the Buckley family at the end of service this morning VacationContinue Reading

Love Offering – We will be taking up a love offering for the Buckley family at the end of next Sunday’s morning service. (May 10) Blessed Are You: A new Bible study series, Blessed Are You: A Series on the Beatitudes, started last Wednesday night. Vacation Bible School starts JunContinue Reading

Golden Apples – The Golden Apples ladies ministry will be meeting today at 4:00 PM in the fellowship hall. This ministry is just for the ladies! It’s a time for the ladies to get together enjoy fellowship, food and grow in the Word. So ladies, mark it down on yourContinue Reading