Mother’s Day – We will be presenting all the Ladies in our service today a special gift and we are going to have a very special service! Love Offering – We will be taking up a love offering for the Buckley family at the end of service this morning VacationContinue Reading

Love Offering – We will be taking up a love offering for the Buckley family at the end of next Sunday’s morning service. (May 10) Blessed Are You: A new Bible study series, Blessed Are You: A Series on the Beatitudes, started last Wednesday night. Vacation Bible School starts JunContinue Reading

Golden Apples – The Golden Apples ladies ministry will be meeting today at 4:00 PM in the fellowship hall. This ministry is just for the ladies! It’s a time for the ladies to get together enjoy fellowship, food and grow in the Word. So ladies, mark it down on yourContinue Reading

Veteran’s Ministry – Every fourth Thursday of the month, we prepare and take a meal to the veterans’ home in Hopkinsville. We have a time of devotion and also take the time to just visit with our veterans. See Joanne Jones if you would like to become involved with thisContinue Reading

From Robin Davis re: Women’s Conference next Sat: I just wanted to let all the ladies know that this will be a great time! I know the lady that helps get this all together and I always go. This will be a great time for women to come together worshipContinue Reading

From Bro. Leroy’s newsletter – Resurrection Day… Is a time to celebrate that Jesus is Alive! Without resurrection morning we have no gospel, no good news, and really no Hope! But with it, we have it all! From Natalie Shaw – We are having a wedding (couples) shower for DustinContinue Reading

Thank you (from Bro. Leroy) – Cindy wanted me to send out A big thank you to everyone for the Easter Egg Hunt candy. Sunday night prayer (from Bro. Leroy) – Praise the Lord our Sunday night prayer group has outgrown it’s current location! We will now be meeting inContinue Reading

Easter Egg Hunt candy – We are collecting candy for stuffing Easter eggs & donations can be dropped off in the nursery. Golden Apples …The Golden Apples ladies ministry will be meeting today at 4:00 PM in the fellowship hall. This ministry is just for the ladies! It’s a timeContinue Reading

Easter Egg Hunt candy – We are collecting candy for stuffing Easter eggs & donations can be off in the nursery. Remember Fellowship Meal new time @ 5 pm tonight – This is a great time for your family to come and enjoy the church family in a very casualContinue Reading

Easter Egg Hunt candy – We are collecting candy for stuffing Easter eggs. Please drop your donations off in the nursery. Prayer focus trickling down to children – Both Cindy Parker & Beverly Latham report that children in their classes have shown an interest in talking about prayer. Fellowship MealsContinue Reading