Bulletin 2018-08-12
Bible quiz: Cain did what for a living? (Answer below) (Bible quiz answer: He was a tiller of the ground – Genesis 4:2)Continue Reading
Bible quiz: Cain did what for a living? (Answer below) (Bible quiz answer: He was a tiller of the ground – Genesis 4:2)Continue Reading
Bible quiz: “If God be for us, __?” (Answer below) (Bible quiz answer: Who can be against us – Romans 8:31)Continue Reading
Bible quiz: What was the name of the man who wore clothes made out of camel’s hair? (Answer below) (Bible Quiz answer: John the Baptist – Matthew 3:1,4)Continue Reading
Bible quiz: To whom was the following spoken? “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” (Answer below) From Bro Leroy: Just a reminder that we have a much needed planning meetingContinue Reading
Bible quiz: To whom were the following word addressed? “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee.” (Answer below Prayer List) Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty Early in the morning our song shall riseContinue Reading
Bible quiz: “I am the ____, the ____, and the ____. (Answer below Prayer List) From Bro Leroy: I would like to have a much needed planning meeting Sunday, July 22nd at 4:00 pm as we have not had one in a while. Please make every effort to attend orContinue Reading
Anyone interested in more information about Children’s Camp on July 29-Aug 1, please contact Cindy Parker.Continue Reading
“If thy right eye offend thee, _______________” (Answer at bottom) We’re asking everyone to wear Red, White and Blue next Sunday for our special morning worship service as we celebrate our nation’s birthday! The theme for the day is “Celebrating Freedom!” (Bible Quiz answer: Pluck it out, andContinue Reading
Gear up! Get Ready! Game on! Vacation Bible School 2018 June 17-21 Finding Truth Below The Surface Today is a busy and blessed day! We will be honoring the father’s on this special day in our morning service. Today is also our VBS Kickoff … You will see our campus allContinue Reading
This afternoon @ 4:00 pm we need all VBS workers to be at church to go over all the VBS schedule. This Wednesday @ 5:30pm we will once again “Prayer Walk” our campus in asking for a mighty move of God during our VBS week. Afterwards everyone joins in toContinue Reading
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