Bulletin 2016-09-11

  Next Sunday, September 18th we will taking up a love offering for a sister Church in Louisiana that was flooded. Ed Walker has been in this church and knows this congregation and pastor and we have an opportunity to help them. Please pray and let the Lord guide youContinue Reading

Bulletin 2016-09-04

  Cardboard egg cartons (not foam) are still needed for various arts & crafts – contact Cindy Parker, Children’s Ministry. This week’s Bible trivia: What Old Testament character wore a “coat of mail”? Previous question and answer: What did Achan steal from Jericho? A: Gold, silver and a garment –Continue Reading

Bulletin 2016-08-28

Next Sunday is Promotion Sunday If you’re interested in serving the Lord and our church for this coming year, please let Bro Leroy or one of the Nominating Team members (Billy Shaw, Joann Jones, Mary Lea Laster, Ed Walker and David Taylor) know. Cardboard egg cartons (not foam) are stillContinue Reading

Our church year starts the first Sunday in September. If you are interested in serving the Lord and our church for this coming year, please let Bro Leroy or one of the Nominating Team members (Billy Shaw, Joann Jones, Mary Lea Laster, Ed Walker and David Taylor) know. Remember, cardboardContinue Reading

We need everyone’s help because cardboard egg cartons (not foam) are needed for various arts & crafts – contact Cindy Parker. This week’s Bible trivia: What type of bird was sold for “two for a farthing”? Previous question and answer: This person was brought water from the well at BethlehemContinue Reading

From Bro. Leroy Aug 4 email regarding Water for LIFE: We have raised $4,247.00 toward a well! That leaves us just 553.00 to finish one well. Remember our goal to to furnish two wells … so I want to encourage everyone to keep saving for the wells and bring itContinue Reading

Bulletin 2016-07-31

From Bro Leroy’s August newsletter: I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard in our Vacation Bible School Kickoff and Vacation Bible School week! Job well done VBS Kickouff team and VBS team! This week’s Bible trivia: How old was Jehoash when he was crowned king? Previous questionContinue Reading

This week’s Bible trivia: How many men from the tribe of Judah were sent out to capture Samson? Previous question and answer: The two spies that Rahab hid fled into the mountains and hid for how many days? A: Three days – Joshua 2: 3,22Continue Reading

Ark Encounter (one of the attractions the church trip is visiting) officially opened this week. To help put the size of this into perspective, if there were people or cars around the bottom of the ark they would be barely distinguishable. We will be having a planning meeting on JulyContinue Reading

This week’s Bible trivia: As Joshua and the children of Israel marched around the walls of Jericho, the priests carried trumpets before the Ark of the Lord. How many priests carried trumpets? Previous question and answer: How many stones were placed in the Jordan River after the children of IsraelContinue Reading