Hey, kids 6th grade & under, remember to mark your family calendar because our Children’s Ministry will be hosting aChildren’s Movie Night at the Parker’s home on Saturday, April 30, at 6 pm.Please contact Gary or Cindy for details & directions. . This week’s Bible trivia:  What was the nameContinue Reading

There is a sign up sheet in the foyer for the Men’s Ministery “God & Guns” event next Saturday, April 16. The schedule for this event is:  10:00 am – Devotion & Prayer 10:30 am – Gun Safety 10:45 am – Start Shooting 1:00 pm – Hot Dogs, Chips & DrinksContinue Reading

  Our Men’s Ministery will be hosting a “God & Guns” event on Saturday, April 16 starting at 10 am that will be at Shane Rodgers house. This event is for all our adult men and young men (grades 6th and up). Sorry ladies, this is a men’s ministry event. We wantContinue Reading

There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer for God & Guns on Saturday, April 16 at Shane Rodgers. Our men and boys will be practicing skeet, rifle & pistol. Please contact Chris Crick for more information. Gary & Cindy Parker are the new leaders of our Children’s Ministry andContinue Reading

Everyone is invited to the wedding of Steve Worsham and Mary Lynn Underwood, March 24th, Thursday night, at 7:00 pm at the church. Reception will follow. Next Sunday on Resurrection Sunday (Easter) our day will start with Sun-Rise Service at 6 am with Brian Dossett sharing God’s Word with usContinue Reading

Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt (Saturday, Mar 19 @ 2 pm) are still welcome. If you have any questions contact Cindy or Gary Parker.   This week’s Bible trivia:  When a certain king tried to take the place of the priest at the altar, he was struck withContinue Reading

Planning meeting today at 4:00 PM  Last month’s planning meeting was simply awesome in numbers  and in spirit. Praying for the same in this meeting! Remember, if you cannot make it, please have someone to represent your ministry. Thanks for all you do! (from Bro Leroy)   Daylight Savings (spring forward) isContinue Reading

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things … Philippians 4:8 We treat our thought life as if it’s something that just happens. The Bible says, “Take everyContinue Reading

Everyone who attends LBC is encouraged to come and share theirDreams Visions and Goals at the meeting tonight @ 5 pm. There will be a light meal of sandwiches, chips and drinks for everyone.   Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt are welcome. If you have any questions contact CindyContinue Reading

No longer will there be any curse … Revelation 22:3 You and I have something in common. We live in a mixed-up, tarnished world and we have never known anything different.  Adam and Eve, however, could remember what life was like before the curse. They could recall the world asContinue Reading