You are the Christ, the Son of the living God … John 6:69 Like Peter, we all fall short—in our relationships, in our struggle with sin, in our faithfulness to God.  Jesus forgave the repentant Peter for his failure and used him to preach and lead many to the Savior.Continue Reading

Highlights from Bro. Leroy’s July newsletter About VBS: As a pastor, I want to thank everyone who gave and worked so hard to make VBS the huge success that it was. It was truly a team effort with everyone looking to Jesus to guide them! About last Sunday: I hadContinue Reading

Jesus said to him, “. . . You follow Me.” … John 21:22 God has not short-changed you. He has already given you everything you need to accomplish the work He wants you to do. Your only assignment is to use whatever time and talents He has given in a wayContinue Reading

Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid … Matthew 14:27 Many of us are reluctant to step out of our comfort zones in case we fail, get hurt, or look stupid. But if we allow that fear to bind us, we’ll end up afraid to doContinue Reading

Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us … Hebrews 12:1 The Christian life can be weighed down by many things. But by relying on God’s guidance and the empowering of the HolyContinue Reading

From Bro. Leroy on Friday about the last night of VBS –A new VBS attendance record was set again last night! 91 children. But here is the greatest news … 4 young people asked Jesus into their heart last night!!!!Continue Reading

We are His people and the sheep of His pasture … Psalm 100:3 The Lord cares about you and me. Jesus came from heaven to earth to show us His love and provide salvation. He goes to great lengths to seek and find us. Heavenly Father, as we care forContinue Reading

Be strong and very courageous … Joshua 1:7 The Lord’s charge and promise to Joshua apply to us as well: “Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (v. 9). Father, I’m bringing You myContinue Reading

Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love … Gen. 22:2 Abraham bound his son and laid him on an altar, but then God provided an alternate sacrifice. Hundreds of years later, God would supply another sacrifice—the final sacrifice—His own Son. Think of how agonizing it mustContinue Reading

Father’s Day (from Bro Leroy) – “the Lord has given me a Word that I’m excited to bring. We will also be giving all the men a special gift.” ——- You mentioned joy. Explain what you mean. “Most people, when they think of Jesus, think about his strong teachings orContinue Reading