Christmas Parade (update)

Elkton Christmas Parade … This Saturday! Our booth will be inside the old court house. We will be setting up at 4:00 PM … Parade starts at 6:00 PM. Let’s have a great showing at our booth as we need as many people as possible handing out free coco, coffee,Continue Reading

December calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 AM … The Angels   Christian Health Center … 5:45 2     3   Volleyball Game 8:00 PM 4 Business Meeting   Wednesday Night Ministries 5 6   Elkton Christmas Parade 7 8 The Shepherds PM … Adult Choir Christmas & Dinner …Continue Reading

Upcoming in December

Elkton Christmas Parade … Friday, December 14th … Instead of building a float, we thought, we would set up a booth and give out free hot chocolate and coffee to everyone along with a card about Lakeview Baptist Church. When the officials of the parade heard about what we wantedContinue Reading

Elkton Christmas Parade

ELKTON CHRISTMAS PARADE Friday … December 6th   We are taking the spirit of Christmas from our church family to the families of Elkton at the Christmas parade! Come join us as we set up a canopy and serve free hot chocolate or coffee to all who come by. WeContinue Reading

Remember our Special Thanksgiving Evening

I am so looking forward to our “A Special Thanksgiving Evening of Praise – Fellowship – Dinner” on Sunday, November 24th which will be starting at 5:00 PM. I hope every one is going to be able to make it and also to bring a friend or friends to beContinue Reading

Upcoming in November 2013

Lakeview Baptist Church … Every Day Believing For Greater Things! God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or dream, according to His power that works in us.” … Ephesians 3:20 What comes to your mind when you think of November and December? I think ofContinue Reading

Our Veterans

On November 10th we will be honoring those who have served our country with a special gift of recognition. For the past few weeks, we have had an insert in the Sunday bulletin asking for names of our veterans and the branch of service they served in. If you areContinue Reading

Hello Awesome Church Family

God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or dream, according to His power that works in us.” … Ephesians 3:20 “Every day we are believing for greater things!” … This is not just a fancy statement that sounds good … it’s a declaration! These are excitingContinue Reading

Upcoming in October 2013

On Sunday night, Oct. 6th, we will be traveling to Christian Health Center to sing songs and bring a short message of encouragement to the residents there. After the service at CHC, we will be going to Godfathers Pizza for pizza and fellowship. We will meet at CHC at 6:45Continue Reading