Lakeview Baptist Church

Every Day Believing For Greater Things!

“God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or dream, according to His power that works in us.” … Ephesians 3:20

Welcome New Church Members

Welcome Shane (by Letter), Cappy (by letter) and Noah to the LBC family. Praise the Lord for adding to our family.

Dreams, Visions & Goals

Wow, what a night! The attendance was far higher than expected and the participation was simple outstanding as everyone there shared from their heart. One of the things that I loved was that when someone spoke, everybody listened. I would like to thank Kelly Crick for writing down every dream, vision and goal that was shared so I can go to work on them ASAP. I left this night so pumped that it was hard for me to go to sleep that night! Many of these dreams, visions and goals will be starting in the very near future and I will be sharing them with you as soon as I can. I can tell you that I am already working on several at this very moment.

TEAMKID … New Children’s Ministry For Sunday Mornings & Sunday Nights

TEAMKID is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and grow in a relationship with Him. Every part of TEAMKID grows children through Bible stories, Scripture memory, life application, missions and recreation. There will be two different ministries of TEAMKID. One will be on Sunday mornings which will take place during the during the Adult Worship time right after Chris Crick brings the Children’s sermon. It is for 3 year olds through preschoolers. These children will explore “All Round” their world which includes all around the church, home, their bodies and God’s creation, friends, Bible times, their feelings, their towns, and all around God. They will also study about missions and a Bible skill every week. Each child will receive an activity book which has activities and art projects to do at church and at home. Then the second ministry of TEAMKID will be on Sunday nights and it is for children of all ages! On Sunday nights our children will explore “Jumping The Hurdles”
the hurdles that children have to jump in this life to succeed. TEAMKID provides help with these hurdles through a study of God’s Word. There are also fun activities, games and teaching time that will help the children learn about each hurdle and how God will help them overcome it! Our team TEAMKID ministry staff is Jessica Latham, Mandy Shaw, Beverly Latham and Kristi Wyatt. If you would like to help in TEAMKID ministry, please contact one of these ladies as they would love to have your help.

Duck Dynasty Bible Study for Men

I so appreciate Chris having a burden for our men and young men to grow and to be the spiritual leaders God has called us to be. Chris has been praying and searching for a men’s Bible study this fall and winter and the Lord has led him to a very exciting study for all of us guys! So I hope you are making plans to come on out each Thursday night in February as we go through an exciting Duck Dynasty Bible study just for guys! We will start at 6:00 PM with refreshments and some fellowship and then have the study. Chris Crick will be leading this exciting study as our Men’s Ministry Leader. I am so looking forward to being with all our brothers as we go through this study and be enriched by God’s Word! So guys make plans now to come on out and enjoy some great fellowship and a great study!

The Main Event

The Main Event is a men’s conference that is simply outstanding! Last year the men from LBC went and had an outstanding time of fellowship and spiritual feeding! This year the dates are August 1st – 2nd and will be held at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville. I know that is a long time off, but we must get signed up immediately to get the discounts and guaranteed tickets as they expect to sell out. Some of this year’s speakers are, Jeff Struecker from Black Hawk Down. Last year Jeff was simply amazing as he had every man in the house on the edge of his seat while he spoke. Coach’s Bobby and Tommy Bowden. President George W. Bush. NASCAR racing legend Darrell Waltrip. One of the most anointed song writer and singer Michael W. Smith will also be there along with many more!

25th Anniversary

This year marks Lakeview Baptist Church’s 25th anniversary! On Sunday, May 25th we will be celebrating the twenty five years of ministry here at LBC in a very unique and special service. This service of celebration will include recognition of charter memberspictures covering 25 years of ministryfree 25th anniversary t-shirts for all who attendspecial music
25th anniversary dinner. We will be talking more about this special day as it approaches!

Golden Apples

Golden Apples is that special evening just for the Ladies as they share warm fellowship, wonderful food and a moving spiritual time. This month Carol Calhoun will be bringing the special recipe and Beverly Latham will be bringing the devotion. Ladies … this is your time, so mark it down on your calendar as a must time just for you! It all happens Feb. 23rd at 4:00 PM in the fellowship hall.

Fellowship Night

Is back on! God bless our Kitchen Ministry team!!! This is a great time to invite your unchurched friends and family to come enjoy a great meal and to meet your church family in a very informal and casual atmosphere.

Armor of God

We are the army of God. The Bible tells us to put on the Whole Armor of God. In this series we are looking at what it means in that we are the army of God and what is the armor of God and how do we put it on. We will learn that we have been delivered from the hand of the enemy by being washed in the Blood of the Lamb and filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. We will learn that God did not call us into His service and into warfare without weapons. Trust me when I say, you don’t want to miss any of this series because it could mean the difference between victory or defeat for you and your family! Also, on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights, as I have handout study sheets as we get deeper into the Armor and what God has for us as we study, discuss, and learn more on The Armor of God.

Sermons On CD

Do you know of someone who is home bound and cannot go to church? Did you know we make a CD copy of every Sunday morning service? What a great gift to give someone who cannot attend church (God’s Word). I would like to encourage you to start getting copies of the Sunday morning sermon and taking them to these people who cannot attend church. If they do not have a CD player, then go and purchase one for them as they are not very expensive. All you have to do is see Gary Parker for a free copy!

Children’s Ministry Day is Feb. 15th

This year’s theme is “Generation Reach.” The children in our Sunday night TEAMKID, GA’s and RA’s have a need for

  • Gloves
  • “Grippie” socks
  • Small packs of Kleenex
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Chapstick (not Vaseline based)

On this day the children will make small gift “need” baskets for our elderly in the nursing homes in our community. Children are encouraged to bring their grandparents to join them in an appreciation snack with hot coffee, tea or punch. Children’s Ministry Day will be held at the Christian County Baptist Association office on North Drive in Hopkinsville at 10 AM. It would be easier if the grandparents bring their grandchildren to the CCBA office instead of meeting at the church. We would love all our children to participate. The GA’s and RA’s will earn a badge for their participation. Looking forward to seeing all the kids there! Beverly Latham will be there to greet the children and their grandparents of our LBC family.

Taking Church To Our Shut-Ins

One of the many great things that come out of our “Visions – Dreams – Goals Meeting” was that we as a church go to our shut-ins and have church with them since they can no longer come to us. So on Sunday night, Feb. 23rd we will be going to Ed and Daisy Hales home to worship for our very first “Taking Church To Our Shut-Ins.” We will meet at the church at 5:45 PM and go in as few of vehicles as possible, due to parking space. I have talked to Ed and Daisy and they are so looking forward to their church family coming and having church in their home with them. By the way … before LBC had a church building, the LBC family met in Ed and Daisy’s house for prayer and worship and did you know that one of the homes LBC met in is now Gary & Cindy’s house!

Ice Skating

For all members and families at the Skate Box in Bowling Green Feb. 22nd. Everyone will meet at the church at 10:00 AM. For more information contact Jessica Latham.