Bulletin 2018-11-04

Please come join us this Friday, Nov 9, @ 5:30pm in fun night of fellowship, food, and fun with paintings and a chili supper. Paintings $40 each and chili supper $10. Today is last day to sign up for a painting. Sign up sheet along with painting options are inContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-10-28

Daylight Savings ends Next Sundayremember to set clocks back Saturday night From Bro Leroy: Next Sunday we will be giving everyone a opportunity to give to help Cheryl Jones daughter (Tera) as she has a major surgery at the end of the month at U of L hospital. Tera likeContinue Reading

From Bro Leroy: As many of you know our VBS offering was dedicated to help our veterans buy a couple of new couches for their lounge area. We almost have enough for one but we would really like to buy two. So today we will be receiving a love offeringContinue Reading

From Bro Leroy: As many of you know our VBS offering was dedicated to help our veterans buy a couple of new couches for their lounge area. We almost have enough for one but we would really like to buy two. So today we will be receiving a love offeringContinue Reading

From Bro Leroy: As many of you know our VBS offering was dedicated to help our veterans buy a couple of new couches for their lounge area. We almost have enough for one but we would really like to buy two. So today and next Sunday we will be receivingContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-09-30

mark your calendars Fundraiser Movie Night on the Lawn Showing – WOODLAWN – In 1973, a spiritual awakening captures the hearts of the Woodlawn High School Football Team. Cost: $1 per person Date: October 13th Movie starts at dusk Concessions opens at 5 pm All $1 – hot dogs, popcorn,Continue Reading

Bulletin 2018-09-16

The choir is practicing again on Wednesday nights @ 7 pm and are asking everyone who wants to join to come on out and practice with them as they prepare to sing for the honor and glory of the Lord. Everything including meat and bread will be potluck this yearContinue Reading

Bulletin 2018-09-09

Bible quiz: To whom was the following comment made? “For God so loved the word. That he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (Answer below) The choir is practicing again on Wednesday nights @ 7 pm and are askingContinue Reading